The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
Penguin Bloom will have its ‘world premiere’ at the 45th Toronto International Film Festival in September. Feeling very lucky that Penguin was one of only 50 films selected for this years reduced line up. With everything that’s going on in the world right now, I feel Penguin is in the best place it can be.
Glendyn Ivin
I recently wrote an article for Screen Australia’s Advice from Isolation series. You can read the full article here.
Glendyn Ivin
Brunx, Melbourne.
Glendyn Ivin
Heide, Melbourne.
Glendyn Ivin
Films start with 'big questions'. Like, "What shall we make a film about?" "Who will be in it?" "What will they say?" and "Where are we going to shoot it?" Etc. And end with 'small questions' like, "What if we lose a couple of frames off that shot?", "Can we make that sunrise a little redder" and "Can I raise the volume of that sound by 2db?".
All of these questions, the big ones and the small ones are all as important as each other in the end. They all go into making the film.
However, a lot of energy is spent on things that unbeknownst to you ultimately won't be necessary. You write and shoot scenes thinking they are incredibly important only to have them left on the cutting room floor as they now don't belong in the film. And scenes that don't seem that critical end up becoming crucial moments in the final cut.
In the beginning, all the details seem essential. You approach every idea and thought not knowing which is going to help the film and which isn't. But somewhere towards the end of the process, all the effort you put in makes the film better. I think this is my favourite part of filmmaking. Because now I finally know what is essential.
I'm happy to say that all the questions both big and small have been answered on Penguin Bloom. I watched and signed off on the final DCP of film this week. After working on something for over a year and a half straight, it feels weird to think it's now 'complete'. I'm grateful to all the people who helped make Penguin what it is. From the very beginning to the very end. Thank you!
Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
Spent the last two weeks colour grading Penguin Bloom with Dop Sam Chiplin and colourist Trish Cahill. It’s been an absolute pleasure sitting in the dark and watching the images come to life. After an extended edit (which limped to it’s end through isolation), I had found myself a little disenchanted with the film through familiarity and fatigue. But it was an absolute pleasure to spend time sitting in the dark and watching the images filled with new life and vigour. I felt myself falling back in love with the film all over again.
Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
Love this impressionistic short film made by photographer Xavi Bou who spent years shooting flocks of starlings and their synchronised flight patterns. Grouping long exposures in a process known as chronophotography. (I saw this originally on PetaPixel)
I’ve been observing so much bird flight while making Penguin Bloom it’s so great to see this take on such a beautiful process.
Glendyn Ivin
Post shoot swim in the rock pools at low tide and the cows who watched on from a far.
(Just before the world shut own)
Glendyn Ivin
Scouting for a TVC shoot coming up next week.
Glendyn Ivin
Currently in L.A for a test screening of Penguin Bloom. We are almost there… it’s been a long but enjoyable edit.