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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin

Filtering by Category: Photography


Glendyn Ivin

Head down in pre-production. Locations, script, camera tests, casting and more. Location scouting and recce-ing has been the main focus, but all the elements including wardrobe and make-up are coming into play. Because we are recreating 1970's Australia, everything we see through the lens has to be considered and designed.

We have houses, businesses, streets and a whole high school to lock in. Luckily the ocean and parts of Cronulla beach are the same as they've alway been : )

It's actually quite amazing how many houses are out there essentially 'untouched' and still 'living in the 70's'. Homes where newly weds built the house, moved in, bought all their stuff and then were just content to keep it that way. Quite nice really. So far removed from the consumerism of today. It says something about the period as well. Things were built to last then and why replace it, if it isn't broken?


Glendyn Ivin

Currently in New Zealand directing a commercial. Exit Films recently opened an office here in Auckland so it's cool to be here in a home away from home. I love NZ. Something about it always reminds me of Australia from when I was a kid. It's maintained an innocence to a degree and somehow remains 'simpler' in the best possible way. Not to mention the Kiwis are heaps nice.



Glendyn Ivin

A little off topic for Hoaxville but today was a big day in our house as Rosebud had her first day at school. Big for her and perhaps even bigger for her Mummy and Daddy. We felt quite good about Ollie going to school, in fact we counted down the days in anticipation for both he and we were ready for it! But little Rosie, our baby, it just doesn't seem right to be dressing her in a uniform and taking her to school. She is so little and so innocent and so sweet! I'm very conscience of time passing. I'll never say "they grow up so fast...".  I constantly take in the moment with both Rosie and Ollie taking detailed mental snapshots of how big they are, where they are and what they are doing. But for some reason its very tricky to get my head around Rosebud heading off to school...

She literally ran to school, dragging us by the hand to get her there quicker.

But once in the classroom and surrounded by new faces there was a moment of hesitation...

But as the wave of nerves passed a smile appeared and all was well. She was happy.

Nat and I lingered (in denial) for as long as we could. Finally slipping away when she focused on an activity. As I was walking out the door I turned to see her one last time. One of those bitter sweet moments. My heart breaking, because everything changes from here on in, but also proud to see her so eager to step out and into world and all it has to offer.

The house was very quiet today, especially for Nat.

But a long 7 hours and 30 minutes later...

I know I'm a gushing proud parent. But check out the 'blue checked uniform details' on that drawing! Genius!


Glendyn Ivin

The Monster Children photo issue came our last year, so I'm a bit behind with putting this up. The book is a wonderfully curated selection of images by photographers from all around the world and I was excited they included two of my photos. One is the Thugs Against Drugs car from LA I put up here a while back and the other is of a strange and beautiful diving platform I saw while in Vladivostok, Russia.

You can buy a copy here.


Glendyn Ivin

On the weekend I watched this wonderful hour long docco about the Magnum photographers agency. I love these guys (who doesn't?), apart from producing incredible work I think most the photographers possess special magical powers. Watch in the opening sequence how Martin Parr approaches some elderly women on the street, where one would imagine a group like this would be upset with a stranger coming up and taking close-up photos of them, Martin seems to have them under a spell from the second he takes the first frame. Amazing. Similarly Larry Towell (at around 4mins 30 secs), take photos of Mennonite farmers, the amazing thing here is seeing the footage that the documentary crew shoots, which is great, but the 'photo' Tony shoots of essentially the same scene is so incredibly beautiful, it's like it was taken at a totally different time and place. Magic!

I love watching this process (some more of it here), it's like watching a type of alchemy take place before your eyes.

Spoiler Alert: Special appearance by Henri Cartier-Bresson in the final sequence. Giving the film a poetic and playful climax as only H C-B could.


Glendyn Ivin

While driving back down south towards Melbourne, we passed near Gosford, so I thought I'd best drop in and have a cup of tea with my Dad. I lived in this house for a couple of years when I was 11 and I've only visited a couple of times since. There are a lot of memories here, both good and bad. It was good to see my Dad though.


Glendyn Ivin

Finished Beaconsfield today...! Although that old saying does spring to mind... "You don't ever finish a film, you abandon it..."

Don't have an on air date as yet... but I suspect it will be early-ish next year maybe.

Some snaps taken during production that haven't made it here after the break...


Vladivostok Skate Kids

Glendyn Ivin

The group show at the Centre For Contempory Photography I have been part of here in Melbourne ends this week and goes on a two year gallery tour around Australia. The images I had in the show form part of a larger series of photographs I made last year in Vladivostok, a remote city in the far east of Russia. The boys were skating in a park on the edge of town that featured a large statue of King Neptune. They were like kids anywhere else in the world hanging out, killing time.  But to me there was something about these boys that represented a city and a country in transition.

Exhibition tour dates and more images of the CCP show after the break.

Documentation photographs by Andrew Burford.

Tour Itinerary for the eighth CCP Documentary Photography Award



EXHIBTION DATES: 27/10/11 – 11/12/11



EXHIBTION DATES: 04/04/12 – 12/05/12



EXHIBTION DATES: 19/05/12 – 30/06/12



EXHIBTION DATES: 09/0812 – 22/09/12



EXHIBTION DATES: 05/10/12 – 09/12/12



EXHIBTION DATES: 26/01/13 – 10/03/13



EXHIBTION DATES: 22/03/13 – 12/05/13



EXHIBTION DATES: 31/05/13 – 07/07/13



EXHIBTION DATES: 19/07/13 – 10/08/13



EXHIBTION DATES: 15/08/13 – 29/09/13



EXHIBTION DATES: 04/10/13 – 17/11/13