Glendyn Ivin
I finished Gallipoli last week... Kind of unbelievable. For over two years it's been this monolith project that ended up consuming every single part of my life. This time last year I was wondering " on earth are we going to make this?" and now it's done and I'm wondering " on earth did we make that!".
Normally I'm quite sad when a production is over. But I'm happy to say I was quite relieved to walk out of the post house for the last time. Not because I hated it, far from it, but I was just super tired. I've put everything I could into making this series as good as it can be. I'm exhausted now in a way I have never felt before (one of the reasons why this blog has been a little neglected). I'm spent.
Luckily, I'm really happy with what we have made. It's epic when it needs to be (the script always had a scale that scared us all) but ultimatley it's emotionally driven and intimate in it's tone and nature. Hundreds of people across all departments put a huge amount of energy into the series, above and beyond what I could have expected. As a director to be supported by so many truly talented people is humbling.
Eight hours, on air sometime (early-ish) next year.