Glendyn Ivin
‘The Search’ was a daily photograph practice where everyday for the last three years I took a photo and posted it under the THE SEARCH menu. The idea and the challenge of ‘The Search’ was all about having to find an image each day and perhaps most importantly not letting ‘perfection’ get in the way of ‘good’. This daily process taught me so much about photography and made me take a lot of photos when I normally wouldn’t have and they were often some of my favourites. Some nights I would be getting ready to go to bed and realise I hadn’t taken a photo and I’d force myself to head out into the streets where I would have to search for an image. Even if the photo itself wasn’t always the best, the process was always satisfying. It became a very special and essential part of my day.
THE SEARCH menu no longer appears above but The Search will continue here always! (and perhaps not daily, but quite regularly). The Search has become a part of my process as a filmmaker.
To kick off the search 2020 here is a selection of photographs tracking some of the crazy weather we have been experiencing in Australia this summer as I drove thousands of kilometres from Melbourne to central N.S.W and back again.
Dust Storms and dry lightening in Tamworth N.S.W.
Dust storm rolling into Cowra, N.S.W.
Bush fire smoke hanging over Melbourne.
Rain in Melbourne the same day as the smoke!