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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin


Glendyn Ivin

Somewhere along the way, when I was editing Penguin Bloom in 2019, I couldn't find the energy to do ' The Search' anymore.

The Search, a personal challenge of making a photo and publishing it here, was a practice I held dear.

The Search fed a hunger to create and kept my eye alert. It helped me tune that sense of what draws my eye to something. Perhaps most importantly, because I had to take the photo on the day and publish something regardless of quality, it helped breed a healthy attitude of ''not letting perfect get in the way of good'.'. Something all artists struggle with.

A few years later, during the 'Lost Flowers' edit, even though I took my camera with me everywhere, I found it was weeks, maybe months, between photos. This felt weird to me. Wrong even. But towards the end of a long film project, I'm drained physically, mentally and emotionally. There is no room for anything else.

I get so much joy from photography, and I need to find that joy again. So the daily practice is back.

Whatever I may find regarding images, I hope it helps me rediscover my love for photography, of observing and searching.

Happy New Year!