Glendyn Ivin
Drove / road 7 hours in the rain to the middle of nowhere to shoot a short brand film for Saint demin.
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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin
Drove / road 7 hours in the rain to the middle of nowhere to shoot a short brand film for Saint demin.
Actress and friend Ashleigh Cummings snapped in my backyard last week. Part of a long term photographic project we are working on.
I really had to stop myself from taking photos of people taking photos of themselves. I could have spent all my time doing that and nothing else. I really don't get it.
Three giant chimneys drew us off the highway into Morro Bay. The 'three fingers' as they are referred to by locals belong to a disused gas plant that dominates the small harbour town along side the equally impressive Morro Rock.
Was great to watch the light change from late afternoon through till dark. To watch the colours intenisfy and shadows shift. Also had some great fish taco's for dinner!
Have spent the last few days road tripping from L.A to San Francisco via Highway 1. Totally. Fucking. Incredible.
The top photo is the first photo I took on the trip just north of Malibu and the bottom was taken three days later on the approach to Half Moon Bay. I'll put up a bunch of photos from the trip over the next few days /weeks.
(...bummed about the noise in the bottom image. As much as I love Leica cameras, their ISO sucks... even on the latest M240 you still have to absolutley nail the exposure at anything above ISO800 and I just missed it on this occasion... still love the shot though.)
My first 4th of July in the U.S was even better than I thought it would be. Nat and I ended up at a friends house in Pasadena where the Rose Bowl hosts one of the larger fireworks displays in L.A. It was a warm and very still night so when the fireworks exploded the smoke just hung in the valley air. This made the whole event even more beautiful. Huge, brightly coloured explosions were continually pumped into the massive cloud, diffusing the lights and explosions on a scale I've never seen before. It looked more like the birth of galaxies than cracker night.
Driving home across L.A from Pasadena to Venice Beach that night all of L.A was alive with fireworks. Racing along the freeway was like driving through one extended firework display. Stunning.
Spending a week in L.A then taking a casual drive up north to San Fran and beyond...
Welcome to the new Hoaxville. A cleaner, bigger and hopefully better place to post my work and other things that I find myself drawn to and under the influence of.
(Importing the old Hoaxville into this new skin has been a bit hit and miss, formatting falls apart here and there...)
Thank you for all your beautiful street photography but thank you especially for this film Streetwise. It really did change my life when I saw it all those years ago...
My friend Jonno leant me his beautiful Leica Monochrom camera for a couple of weeks. I'm a Leica obsessive but I've balked at the black and white only option, it just seems to limiting, but spending time with Jonno's camera, it didn't seem limiting, in fact it felt like new opportunities opened up before me. I ever so slightly started seeing the world a little differently. I had a taste of seeing a colourless world where composition, texture and tone dominate. Maybe I might have a year where I only shoot black and white...
Halfway through shooting the first three episodes of The Beautiful Lie... Very fast and intense shooting. Reminding myself constantly what are the bare esentials I need to make the scene / sequence / story work. What's the 'essence' of the story and try and harness that. Trying to remain in the moment. Enjoying the ups and the downs. Mostly ups though!
Searching, searching...