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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin


Glendyn Ivin

I came across this wonderful episode of the BBC's What Do Artists Do All Day featuring the photographer Tom Wood. I new nothing about him but was so inspired by his photography and his straight forward, honest and down to earth approach to making pictures. His longitudinal studies of his everyday surrounds is really incredible. Reminds me to photograph the regular things around me. The modern ugly cars and buildings in my street. I love how these documents can take on more and more meaning as time passes, things change and what currently seems mundane may one day seem remarkable. Part 1 below...


Glendyn Ivin

Shooting Gallipoli is well and truly under way. Just finished week four (of sixteen-ish). I love the rhythm and the routine of long shoots. Early morning pickups and late nights drop-offs. Long drives to set, listening to music and wondering how all the bits and pieces are going to fit together. Discussing a plan of attack on the way to set and debriefing the days wins and losses on the way home. Collapsing into bed physically and mentally exhausted. Dreaming of the shape it's all taking.




Glendyn Ivin

Ten weeks of Gallipoli pre-production came to an end yesterday. A huge challenge in many ways. I haven't taken anywhere near the amount of 'pre' photos that I would have normally and this alone is an indication of how intense the process has been. Gallipoli is a beast of a project and I think I would be a nervous wreck right now if I wasn't surrounded by the best best people. I've really have the dream cast and crew and I feel totally supported going into this shoot that we all know is going to be very tough at best. I feel very privileged to be where I am right now (although I do feel like throwing up).

This snap of the writer Christopher Lee deep in thought, reminds me of the Ernest Hemingway quote "Writing at it's best is a lonely life…". Christof spent most of last year holed up alone writing the eight hours of television we are about to make. But for the past two months, he has sat in this room and for many of those days I sat across from him and we worked on the scripts together. Christof is one of the most generous and wise people I've had the pleasure to work with. It's been a wonderfully collaborative and learning experience.




Glendyn Ivin

Have never felt time move so quickly in pre-production. The Gallipoli pre-weeks are going by like days… Coming to terms with the fact that there will never be enough time to prepare for everything by the time we begin shooting in 3 weeks… Regardless, I'm feeling very supported by the team I have around me. L1000281
