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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin

Filtering by Category: Photography


Glendyn Ivin

Entering that very precious stage of early pre-production where it's not too busy, there's time to do what you need, to catch up, to think out loud, to listen to music, to watch movies, to leaf through reference books, to shove ideas together, to plan, to suggest, to dream. I've moved into the Gallipoli production office and for the next week or so I'm the only one on my floor. It's so bloody wonderful to have this time and space because very soon it's all going to fill up and disappear... But right now, this is the bit to cherish.

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Coming into land last week after a day of casting in Sydney.


Glendyn Ivin

Roadtrippin with the family from Sydney to Melbourne via the south coast road...  Stopped for the weekend at one of our favourite places Tathra. L1000742 (1)

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As much as I like Sydney, after five months away  it's SO good to be back in Melbourne!


Glendyn Ivin

I took the first photo below at Matauri Bay nestled just below the northern tip of the North Isalnd of  New Zealand in January this year. On a warm summers night I watched a  bunch of kids setting off fireworks, having the time of their lives. I sat on the beach with my kids in amazement at how wonderful and free spirited it all was and how in Australia today this would be unheard for kids let alone being able to make it happen in a film.

I've shot quite a few fireworks sequences and trying to get an actor anywhere near a live firework is near impossible. The process ends up being so regulated with safety concerns and restricitoins (all for good reason) and the sequence I believe always ends up feeling a little 'sanitised'. But after alot of planning and tests I was so happy last Friday night that I was able to replicate that image (and a whole lot more!) not only as a photograph but as part of filmed sequence. And I might add in a highly controlled and safe environment. Satisfying!

Matauri Bay, New Zealand, Jan 2013


Kernell Beach, Australia, Aug 2013

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