The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin
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Glendyn Ivin
While digging around for some history on the post below... I have just found another film Heavy Metal Picnic which was shot in 1985 a year prior to Heavy Metal Parking Lot, and was only just uploaded to Vimeo five days ago! 'Picnic' was produced by Jeff Krulic (who then made 'Parking Lot' in 86). Heavy Metal Picnic takes you way deeper. What is essentially a bunch of kids fooling around with a camera, has become an incredible social document. This film makes Heavy Metal Parking Lot look water downed. This roughly assembled edit provides us with an astounding amount of authenticity. truth and access into a very specific time and place. A time and place I myself am totally fascinated with. My feature film Cherry Bomb is drawing heavily from this world, although it's set about 6 years before these guys were listening to metal and getting wasted on some hillside in Maryland, USA.
It looks as though the filmmakers partied filmed as much as they could until the camera batteries went dead.
Heavy Metal Picnicer "Are you guys really from CBS?"
Filmmaker "Nah, we just stole all this shit!"
R.I.P Jim Marshall
Glendyn Ivin
A few seconds from my New York minute...
Glendyn Ivin
I was able to get to a couple of my favourite places as well as stumble across a few new ones. I think thats what I like about NY so much. You can wander off in any direction and find great things just waiting there. It's Disneyland for adults!
Sound Maker pt 2
Glendyn Ivin
Have just wrapped the week shoot in Philadelphia. Such an amazing experience. I feel so privileged to have been invited so warmly into the lives of people who live in such a different world to mine. The last 7 days have felt like exploring outer-space.
The textures, places and faces of South Philly have left a lasting impression on me.
Tomorrow a short day in NYC! Then flying home to my family who I've missed alot.
And the edit suite...
Los Angeles Transit
Glendyn Ivin
Glendyn Ivin
True Love and Chaos pt3
Glendyn Ivin
Black and White
Glendyn Ivin
I'm slowly falling more and more in love with Black and White images. Whether it be for stills or film. The film Strandon In Canton I briefly discussed in the post below this one, is stunning in all it's monchramatic glory, glitches and all. There is something in the way that when you remove all the colour information from an image it becomes so much more simpler, more direct, and I'm becoming obsessed with it! It's more about form, shape and texture. I know this baisc and obvious, but I'm really enjoying exploring it in my work.
I once read somewhere that films are not shot in black and white anymore because an audience won't feel as though they are getting their moneys worth. Insane.
Below are a couple of pre-production stills for the Knog stills shoot I've been working on. The actual shoot was yesterday and I'll post some images from it in the next day or so... It was great fun and I'm really happy with the way it came together.
Glendyn Ivin
Sketchy Japan
Glendyn Ivin
A Loud Night Out
Glendyn Ivin
Just got back home from seeing one of my favorite bands MASTODON live! The played their 2009 album Crack The Skye (my album of the year) in it's entirety, from beginning to end. All killer, no filler! They then had a small break and then walked back on and ripped into a dark and brutal set covering highlights from their back catalogue. One of those all to rare, intensely beautiful live music experiences.